Thursday, July 29, 2010

Eating breakfast

Yes, I am weird. I sometimes eat breakfast while watching this. So what can you say normal people?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Funny Things About Rovin

1. Rovin likes to pick his nose, something common at his age (or any age). But what's really funny about his nose-picking, he molds his booger until shaped into circle before rubbing it either into my bed sheet or into my room's wall. (pity me^^)

2. He put an old, barely-working Nokia 6260 into a toilet bowl.

3. One time he was playing hide-and-seek. When it was his turn to hide, he farted too loud that gave his playmate a clue of his whereabouts.

4. He drinks gravy. (he pronounces it gley-bee)

5. He sometimes sing the theme of TV5's Face to Face.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pink, Fat and Dumb

They are all gluttonous eaters, yet they forgot to eat some brain food.

1. Fat Buu
          If I'm Fat Buu, I won't have to worry anymore about food. He turns almost everything into or non-living. Simpleton, yet compassionate character from Dragonball Z.

2. Quina Quen
           S/he's my favorite character in Final Fantasy 9. I saw a video recently in youtube that you can actually beat Ozma (hardest boss in the game)just by using leveled-up Quina alone.

3. Patrick Star
I developed my grammar just by watching Spongebob Squarepants over and over.^^