Friday, March 16, 2012

Funny, But Will Drive You Nuts

There are things in this world that we often question its value and usefulness, like a youtube video for example. There are plenty of uploaded videos that you don't know exactly why it was made in the first place, usually unusual and weird, repetitive that causes it to be easily imprinted in your memory. (If you think I'm pertaining to Justin Bieber's Baby video, you're wrong.)

Here are some youtube videos I'm talking about. After watching a few minutes of it, it will leave you either laughing or with a wrinkled forehead.(just don't watch the full length of each videos if you still want to retain your sanity)

If you want to grow eyebags, watch this straight:

Ineffective? Try this's more intense:

As one youtuber commented, a sequel is being planned which will be entitled "Jon Counts to 100,000 Backwards":

It got a movie trailer, the divine music is really funny:

If ever there's someone who manages to finish the video, please let me know if he really reached the top.

Try recommending this to someone you don't like or burn a cd of it and give it to someone as a peace offering (ideal for April Fools' day). The guy looks like Super Mario:

With million hits, who am I to question its purpose? It doesn't bother anyone. It is there to entertain. No more questions.

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