Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

           If you haven't seen this movie yet, I suggest you do so. Idiocracy is the funniest movie I've watched so far. That’s because the movie did not require me to have high level of comprehension to catch up and understand the humor. I’m pretty much too slow catching up sometimes (foreign comedy movies in particular^^). Here are a few screencaps with the most LOL moments.

Washington Monument 500 years from now...full of jet skis and motor boats.

10 million dollar denomination...500 years from now.

His name is President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho...who would want to protest against a president during a speech...armed with a machine gun?

The president's cabinet members

Welcome to Costco, I love you. Welcome to Costco, I love you.

Interesting mecha name

          If you belong to a few Pinoy Gundam Wing fan like me, I think you'll find this post interesting. Do you remember those desert-type mobile suits assisting the Gundam Sandrock during fights? I only knew its name lately, and it is called the WMS-03 Maganac. What's interesting about this mobile suit's name is that it is derived from a Tagalog word "mag-anak". Here are the facts:

The Maganac Corps

              As the Earth Alliance continued to spread its sphere of influence around the world, and even into the far reaches of the colonies in space, a few pockets of resistance formed to oppose them. One of these groups was the forty-man team known as the Maganac Corps; the word "maganac" meaning "family or relatives" in the Tagalog language, mag-anak. Although the Maganac Corps were in no way able to challenge the full force of the Earth Alliance military, by using guerilla tactics and their own mobile suit forces they were able to deal an occasional blow to the Earth Alliance.

          The mainstay mobile suit of the Maganac Corps was the WMS-03 Maganac. Constructed and mass-produced by the Maganac Corps, the eponymous Maganac mobile suit proved to be equal in power to the OZ-06MS Leo fielded by the Earth Alliance and OZ, and it even was more effective in some areas such as firepower and fighting ability. The Maganac would be the Maganac Corps standard mobile suit before the war between the Earth and the colonies began in After Colony 195, and they would continue to use it during the war. Built and colored mainly for combat in the desert environments of the Middle East the Maganac proved to be versatile enough to fight in a wide range of terrains, and the Maganac Corps would even later adapt their Maganac mobile suits for use in space so they could assist Gundam pilot Quatre Raberba Winner during the Eve Wars.

online sources:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Plants vs Zombies: Endless survival cheatless play

            Early stages are easy to handle (of course), and this is the best time for you to collect as many sun as you can. This is the best set-up I could think of. Place four twin sunflowers as shown above. The rest are single sunflowers needed only to boost your suns collected. It will be replaced eventually by plants meant for offensive so no need to double all of them. (note: sunflowers don't hold a grudge even when they're not paired up, as they'll keep on smiling for the rest of the game. They are happy to be single...look at those happy faces.)

          With accumulated sun, you can already plant all those highly "sun-consuming" plants. (six front-liner gloom-shrooms, eight melon-pults) This is also the right time to put pumpkins as your last line of defense.

Now you can add six gatling peas and winter melons to slow down the zombies.

            At this stage, you can still beat the zombies without requiring the help of cob cannons yet. So take advantage of those free slots and plant sunflowers on it. (I'm talking about the inner part of the pool where 4 cob cannons should be placed)

            Once those gargantuars appear, it means it is time to ready your four cob cannons. Four cob cannons will require you 8 kernel-pults.

The final set-up should look like this. To reach hundred flags you must:

-never let those 6 front line gloom-shrooms to be blown or munched
-don't let your accumulated sun drop to critical 5000.(since this a cheatless play)
-immediately replace worn-out pumpkins!
-use the cob cannons with 15-second time interval. (one cob cannons takes 30 seconds to charge.)
-choose the best plants for the kind of zombie (prioritize on choosing plants that can counter the most troublesome you only have 10 slots)

               The kinds of zombies you're about to face differ in every stage, so choose the best plant to counter those zombies (red-eyed gargantuars appears randomly). Also, keep an eye on the most troublesome zombies...and these are:

       Bungee zombies - plant ice shroom once you see those thrown targets, then use coffee bean immediately on it after you hear the "yeehaw!" sound. This will freeze those annoying bungee zombies and prevents them from stealing your plants.

             The red-eyed gargantuar got the most extreme level of toughness among all other zombies. If there's some free slots left, choose the plants that deals massive damage.

         This one's the most troublesome of them all. What this zombie usually does is blowing up those six frontline gloom-shrooms, blowing it up unpredictably. It's very important to prioritize choosing those plants once you see them....always.

          This one's usually not a big threat, as two cattails can handle a few of them. But if you're above 250 flags already, I suggest you choose a blover if there's a free swarms of balloon zombies sometimes appear in number that two cattails alone can handle.

            If you followed my set-up, may I remind you that it won't ensure you victory. I'm only human...born to make mistake (I'm not singing). My luck began to run out...I had to replace all those munched and blown plants...without looking at my depleted sun. As you can see, it dropped to 240's beyond critical amount and it means GAME OVER.

          The journey ends here. From an initial target of 500 flags, I only endured 355 flags. In the picture above you'll see which zombie got lucky to taste my brain.