Sunday, June 10, 2012

1/100 HG Gundam Sandrock Custom: WIP part 1

I developed fear watching Manny Pacquiao's fight...because the last time I watched, he lost.

          Yesterday was Bradley vs Pacquiao fight so I started doing the sandrock yesterday morning just to divert my attention and not to be tempted on taking a peek at the television (I'm doing Pacquiao a favor here^^). In the picture, I was currently in the most boring part: the sanding and masking part.

            1/20 Quatre's figure ready for painting...only masked the hands and face. The American dubbed Gundam wing pronounces his name "Katrah"...but the tagalized version I used to watch when I was young pronounced his name "Kwatreh".

         Only few parts were sanded and masked and ready for spray painting. It was lunch time and I got hungry...ginisang munggo and pork chop on the table. Unfortunately, our dining area also serves as entertainment room (slash Rovin's dancing area), so it is expected for everyone in the family to be there and wait for the fight to start. I had a bad feeling Pacquiao's going to loose because I'm there watching. I thought of closing my eyes and wear headset while eating but I realized I will only find discomfort doing it. (sorry for how my brain works)

         From the way I saw it, I thought the fight should be draw. I'll be needing a stronger will to resist watching the rematch soon....because I want Manny to win.

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