Monday, September 12, 2011

1/100 HG Gundam Heavyarms: WIP

            If I can make my Heavyarms look almost exactly the same as the picture in the manual, I'll be very pleased. The problem is how can I make it to look something like that without using expensive paints. Again, I got no choice but to improvise and use whatever available. Just imagining myself as Macgyver being a gunpla enthusiast.

Nice things about poster colors:

-it's water-based and odorless
-easy-to-find (every school supply store I know have it)
-it's cheap
-nice shelf-life, it doesn't thicken over time (I bought those 12 years ago and still usable.)

           For the Heavyarms' color, I mixed green, blue, black and white. Black and white to make gray, then added green and blue after. I didn't mind what ratio as I only did this for testing.

I sprayed flat black on the runners, waited for it to dry before applying poster color.

           Once the poster color dried, I used a toothbrush to reveal more black underneath making the color a bit darker...well this depends on which part of the Heavyarms I'll be doing. With this method, I learned that the color of poster color varies when wet or dry. It turned out that the color becomes more dull when it dried. Once I achieve the right shade of color, I'll apply flat clear after.

         After some testing, I'll be spraying flat black on all the blue green, gray and dark blue parts. It'll be quite tricky to make the colors right as my color mixing is only based just by looking at it. So I won't be following the color guide stated in the manual. I just hope that it will turn out nicely.

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